
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • CCD monitoring of quasars and BL Lacertae objects
    Johnson B CCD photometry of quasars and other active nuclei were obtained with the 1-m and 2.5-m reflectors of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory in the Canary Islands between 1986 and 1987. Data are presented for PKS 1538+149, 3C 345, 3C 351, and BL Lac. Error sources are discussed, and it is noted that at least part of the error is due to
    Kidger, M. R.

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  • CCD photometry of the globular cluster M2: RR Lyrae physical parameters and new variables
    We report the results of CCD V and R photometry of the RR Lyrae stars in M2. The periodicities of most variables are revised and new ephemerides are calculated. Light-curve decomposition of the RR Lyrae stars was carried out and the corresponding mean physical parameters [Fe/H] = -1.47, Teff = 6276K, logL = 1.63Lsolar and MV = 0.71 from nine RRab
    Lázaro, C. et al.

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  • CCD Photometry of the RR Lyrae Stars in NGC4147
    We report the results of CCD V and R photometry of the RRstars known in NGC4147. The periodicities of most variables are revised and new ephemerides are calculated. The Blazhko effect has been detected in V2 and V6. Three previously reported variables; V5, V9, and V15 are found to be non-variable. A new variable V18 was discovered with a period of
    Arellano Ferro, A. et al.

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  • Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae
    In this brief invited review, I will attempt to summarise some of the key areas of interest in the study of central stars of planetary nebulae which (probably) will not be covered by other speakers' proceedings. The main focus will, inevitably, be on the subject of multiplicity, with special emphasis on recent results regarding triple central star
    Jones, D.

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