
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • CCD camera and data acquisition system of the scientific instrument ELMER for the GTC 10-m telescope
    ELMER is a multi-purpose instrument for the GTC designed for both, Imaging and Spectrosopy in the visible range. The CCD camera employs a E2V Technologies CCD44-82 detector mounted in a high performance LN2 Bath Cryostat based on an ESO design and a SDSU-II CCD controller with parallel interface. The design including the low-noise fan-out
    Kohley, Ralf et al.

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  • CCD Photometry of Cometary Nuclei, I: Observations from 1990-1995
    CCD photometry of 18 Jupiter family comets, observed at medium and large heliocentric distances, was carried out between April 1990 and July 1995. This is part of a long-term observational program designed to obtain their nuclear magnitudes. The observations were made with the 1.54-m Danish Telescope at ESO La Silla, the 2.5-m Nordic Optical
    Licandro, Javier et al.

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  • CCD Photometry of Resolved Dwarf Irregular Galaxies - Part Three - GR:8
    The authors present CCD UBV photometry of 142 resolved stars in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy GR 8. Its distance modulus has been found to be 25.0. The luminosity function has been derived. The percentage of the total luminosity in stars brighter than MV = -2 is found to be about 30%. The derived differential (IMF) for stars with masses
    Aparicio, A. et al.

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  • CCD photometry of resolved dwarf irregular galaxies. II - DDO 187. III - GR 8
    CCD photometry of resolved dwarf irregular galaxies was obtained with the 4-m Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory telescope in February 1985. BV data from 77 stars in DDO 187 are used to infer a distance modulus of 28.2 + or - 0.6, placing this galaxy out of the Local Group, at a distance of 4.4 + or - 1.0 Mpc. In the second part, UBV photometry
    Aparicio, A. et al.

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  • CCD Photometry of the Pleiades Delta Scuti Star V650 Tauri
    The preliminary results of a three-site CCD photometric campaign are reported. The δ Scuti variable V650 Tauri belonging to the Pleiades cluster was observed photometrically for 14 days on three continents during 2008 November. An overall run of 164 hr of data was collected. At least five significant frequencies for V650 Tauri have been detected.
    Fox Machado, L. et al.

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