
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The Stellar Distribution in Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxies Suggests Deviations from the Collisionless Cold Dark Matter Paradigm
    Unraveling the nature of dark matter (DM) stands as a primary objective in modern physics. Here we present evidence suggesting deviations from the collisionless cold DM (CDM) paradigm. It arises from the radial distribution of stars in six ultrafaint dwarf (UFD) galaxies measured with the Hubble Space Telescope. After a trivial renormalization in
    Sánchez Almeida, Jorge et al.

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  • Digging deeper into NGC 6868 II: ionized gas and excitation mechanism
    We studied the ionized gas in the inner region ( $\sim$ $680\times 470$ pc 2) of the galaxy NGC 6868 using Gemini/GMOS (Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph) integral field unit observations. Channel maps reveal complex kinematics and morphology, indicating multiple processes at work in NGC 6868. Through emission-line fitting, we identified two
    Benedetti, João P. V. et al.

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  • Isotopic abundance of carbon in the DLA towards QSO B1331+170
    Chemical evolution models predict a gradual build-up of 13C in the Universe, based on empirical nuclear reaction rates and assumptions on the properties of stellar populations. However, old metal-poor stars within the Galaxy contain more 13C than is predicted, suggesting that further refinements to the models are necessary. Gas at high-redshift
    Milaković, Dinko et al.

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  • The MAGPI survey: orbital distributions, intrinsic shapes, and mass profiles for MAGPI-like EAGLE galaxies using Schwarzschild dynamical models
    Schwarzschild dynamical models are now regularly employed in large surveys of galaxies in the local and distant Universe to derive information on galaxies' intrinsic properties such as their orbital structure and their (dark matter and stellar) mass distribution. Comparing the internal orbital structures and mass distributions of galaxies in the
    Santucci, Giulia et al.

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  • Metallofullerenes as potential candidates for the explanation of astrophysical phenomena
    Detection of complex organic species in space has been one of the biggest challenges of the astrophysical community since the beginning of space exploration, with C60-fullerene representing one of the largest molecules so far detected. The presence of small metal-containing organic molecules, like MgNC or CaCN, in space, promoted the idea that C60
    Barzaga R. et al.

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  • Solid state debromination of C 60 Br 24 back to C 60 with cesium iodide: kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism
    The bromofullerene C60Br24 undergoes a complete and quantitative debromination to C60 when it is mixed and ground in the solid state with cesium iodide (CsI). The kinetics of this unique solid state debromination reaction was studied with FT-IR spectroscopy on C60Br24 embedded in CsI pellet. The debromination rate constant was measured k = 8.4 x 10
    Barzaga, Ransel et al.

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