
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • A benchmark JWST near-infrared spectrum for the exoplanet WASP-39 b
    Observing exoplanets through transmission spectroscopy supplies detailed information about their atmospheric composition, physics and chemistry. Before the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), these observations were limited to a narrow wavelength range across the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared, alongside broadband photometry at longer wavelengths
    Carter, A. L. et al.

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  • Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N. VIII. A wide-orbit planetary companion in the hot-Jupiter system HD 118203
    Aims: The star HD 118203, classified as a K0 subgiant, was known to harbour a transiting hot Jupiter planet on a 6.1-day eccentric orbit. Previous studies also revealed a linear trend in the radial velocity (RV) domain, indicative of a companion on a wide orbit. Such a hierarchical orbital architecture could be helpful in studies of the origins of
    Maciejewski, G. et al.

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  • First Direct Evidence for Keplerian Rotation in Quasar Inner Broad-line Regions
    We introduce a novel method to derive rotation curves with light-day spatial resolution of the inner regions of lensed quasars. We aim to probe the kinematics of the inner part of the broad-line region by resolving the microlensing response—a proxy for the size of the emitting region—in the wings of the broad emission lines. Specifically, we assess
    Fian, C. et al.

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  • Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs - VIII. The first age benchmark L subdwarf, a wide companion to a halo white dwarf
    We report the discovery of five white dwarf + ultracool dwarf systems identified as common proper motion wide binaries in the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. The discoveries include a white dwarf + L subdwarf binary, VVV 1256-62AB, a gravitationally bound system located 75.6$^{+1.9}_{-1.8}$ pc away with a projected separation of 1375$^{+35}_{-33}$
    Zhang, Z. H. et al.

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  • "A catalogue of Mg, Ca and C abundances from the X-shooter Spectral Library: benchmark for improving the modelling of stellar population models"
    The completeness of stellar spectral libraries in all stellar evolutionary phases, parameter space (effective temperature, surface gravity, global metallicity) and chemical abundances, is required to build more sophisticated stellar population synthesis models to decode the enclosed information of galaxies of varying types. On the hand, due to
    Santos-Peral, Pablo et al.

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  • 2 Young 2 Furious - Challenges and opportunities in the study of young exoplanets
    Current theories of planetary evolution predict that infant giant planets have large radii and very low densities before they slowly contract to reach their final size after about several hundred million years. These theoretical expectations have remained untested for a long time, as the detection and characterization of very young planets is
    Suárez Mascareño, Alejandro

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