
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • From gas to stars: MUSEings on the internal evolution of IC 1613
    Context. The kinematics and chemical composition of stellar populations of different ages provide crucial information on the evolution of the various components of a galaxy. Aim. Our aim is to determine the kinematics of individual stars as a function of age in IC 1613, a star-forming, gas-rich, and isolated dwarf galaxy of the Local Group (LG)
    Taibi, S. et al.

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  • The atmospheric composition of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-178 b observed with ESPRESSO
    Context. Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJ) have emerged as ideal testbeds for new techniques for studying exoplanet atmospheres. Only a limited number of them are currently well studied, however. Aims. We search for atmospheric constituents for the UHJ WASP-178 b with two ESPRESSO transits. Additionally, we show parallel photometry that we used to obtain
    Damasceno, Y. C. et al.

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  • The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: slow supernovae show cosmological time dilation out to z 1.
    We present a precise measurement of cosmological time dilation using the light curves of 1504 Type Ia supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey spanning a redshift range $0.1\lesssim z\lesssim 1.2$. We find that the width of supernova light curves is proportional to $(1+z)$, as expected for time dilation due to the expansion of the Universe. Assuming
    White, R. M. T. et al.

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  • The PAU Survey: Galaxy stellar population properties estimates with narrowband data
    A newfound interest has been seen in narrowband galaxy surveys as a promising method for achieving the necessary accuracy on the photometric redshift estimate of individual galaxies for next-generation stage IV cosmological surveys. One key advantage is the ability to provide higher spectral resolution information on galaxies, which ought to allow
    Csizi, B. et al.

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  • X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity: IV. Spectral analysis methods and exemplary results for O stars
    Context. The spectral analysis of hot, massive stars is a fundamental astrophysical method of determining their intrinsic properties and feedback. With their inherent, radiation-driven winds, the quantitative spectroscopy for hot, massive stars requires detailed numerical modeling of the atmosphere and an iterative treatment in order to obtain the
    Sander, A. A. C. et al.

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  • X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity: V. Effect of metallicity on surface abundances of O stars
    Context. Massive stars rotate faster, on average, than lower mass stars. Stellar rotation triggers hydrodynamical instabilities which transport angular momentum and chemical species from the core to the surface. Models of high-mass stars that include these processes predict that chemical mixing is stronger at lower metallicity. Aims. We aim to test
    Martins, F. et al.

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