At least 20% of PNe host a post-common-envelope central star, and theoretical considerations predict that a significant fraction of these should come from...
Potential of Photometric Searches for Transiting Planets
Many ground-based photometric surveys are now under way, and five of them have been successful at detecting transiting exoplanets. Nevertheless, detecting...
Power spectra comparison between GOLF and MDI velocity observations
We present a comparison of the velocity power spectra between the GOLF and MDI instruments. In addition, this poster outlines work towards creating a GOLF...
HST images of some 50 pre planetary nebulae ("pPNe") are now available. A confrontation of images with theoretical shaping models is timely in order to...
Precipitable water vapour content above the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory from GPS estimations
The requirements for current large and future extremely large telescopes as well as the quick development of IR instrumentation demand a proper characterization...
Precise abundances of Mg and neutron-capture elements in the Milky Way: chemodynamical relations using Gaia data and chemical evolution models
The abundance of alpha and neutron-capture elements provide an important fossil signature in Galactic archaeology for tracing the chemical evolution of the...