HST images of some 50 pre planetary nebulae ("pPNe") are now available. A confrontation of images with theoretical shaping models is timely in order to...
Precipitable water vapour content above the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory from GPS estimations
The requirements for current large and future extremely large telescopes as well as the quick development of IR instrumentation demand a proper characterization...
Precise abundances of Mg and neutron-capture elements in the Milky Way: chemodynamical relations using Gaia data and chemical evolution models
The abundance of alpha and neutron-capture elements provide an important fossil signature in Galactic archaeology for tracing the chemical evolution of the...
The release of TESS light-curves gives us the opportunity to perform all-sky seismology for a lot of stars. Among them, the higher quality data that was...
Precise surface gravitites of A-type stars from Asteroseismology
δ Sct are one of the most abundant pulsating stars in our Galaxy. In addition, they have moderate to fast rotations and periods of several hours. That makes...
Precise X-ray position of A1744-36 (=XTE J1748-361?)
The Ariel-5 X-ray transient A1744-36 and the newly-discovered transient XTE J1748-361 may be identical (ATEL #204). Based on a 16 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation...
Predicted x-ray backgrounds for the International X-ray Observatory
The background that will be observed by IXO's X-ray detectors naturally separates into two components: (1) a Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB), primarily due to...