Polarized light provides key information on the physical conditions and geometry of astrophysical plasmas otherwise unattainable via conventional spectroscopy...
Polarización óptica de NGC 6231, evidencia de fenómenos energéticos
In a typical young open cluster the polarimetric data shows, for normal stars, that the distribution of angles of the polarization vectors can be describe by a...
Polarization : Proving ground for methods in radiative transfer.
Polarization of solar lines arises due to illumination of radiating atom by anisotropic (limb darkened/brightened) radiation. Modelling the polarized spectra of...
L-type brown dwarfs (Teff = 1400-2100K) are known for their dusty photospheres. Brown dwarfs may have asymmetric surfaces arising from rotationally-induced...
The solar atmosphere is a highly ionized medium which is the playground of magnetic fields. In the deepest layer (the photosphere), magnetic fields disturb the...
The standard physical mechanisms of the continuum emission in the microwave range are the synchrotron, free-free, and/or thermal dust emissions. Nevertheless...
Ultra-cool dwarfs with effective temperatures between ~1400 K and ~2200 K are known to have dusty atmospheres. Asymmetries of the dwarf surface may arise from...
Linear polarization due to scattering processes can be used as a probe of the existence of atmospheric condensates in ultracool dwarfs. Models predict that the...
We present the very first results of a full spectropolarimetric study (in the four Stokes parameters I, Q, U and V) performed with NARVAL at TBL, on the Mira...