GTCdigital is a dissemination project that aims to bring to every corner the reflections of one of the largest telescopes in the world: the Gran Telescopio...
GUIDO MÜNCH: «En Marte pudo haber vida, de la que tal vez se podrían encontrar restos fósiles si buscásemos en el lugar apropiado”
Entrevista publicada en IAC Noticias. N° 1- 1994. Sección "A través del prisma" Propuesto por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias al «Premio Príncipe...
Hallan el segundo sistema planetario más cercano a la Tierra
A solo 11 años luz y orbitando una estrella “tranquila”, el planeta descubierto puede convertirse en un candidato para albergar vida debido a su temperatura...
HARMONI pases its design revisión and will be the spectrograph on the future ELT
The IAC is a member of the consortium of this instrument, which has passed its critical tests, and incorporates a powerfuls system of adaptive optics which will...
HARMONI pases its design revisión and will be the spectrograph on the future ELT
The IAC is a member of the consortium of this instrument, which has passed its critical tests, and incorporates a powerfuls system of adaptive optics which will...
Heavy metal planet fragment survives destruction from dead star
Researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the University of La Laguna (ULL) have discovered the remains of a planet inside a disc of...
Helioseismology and the solar magnetic cycle open the IV SOLARNET meeting in Lanzarote
This morning the IV SOLARNET meeting "The Sun from its interior to its outer atmosphere" organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) began, in...