
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Fitting of supernovae without dark energy
    With data from Pantheon, we have at our disposal a sample of more than a 1000 supernovae Ia covering a wide range of redshifts with good precision. Here, we make fits to the corresponding Hubble-Lemaître diagram with various cosmological models, with intergalactic extinction, evolution of the luminosity of supernovae, and redshift components due to
    López-Corredoira, M. et al.

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  • The ultraviolet researcher to investigate the emergence of life: a mission proposal to ESA's F-call
    The mission Ultraviolet Researcher to Investigate the Emergence of Life (URIEL) is designed to carry out low dispersion (600-1,000) UV spectropolarimetry in the 140-400 nm spectral range to investigate the formation of planetary systems, its interaction with stellar winds and search for signatures of prebiotic molecules by remote sensing of small
    Gómez de Castro, Ana I. et al.

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  • Density, not radius, separates rocky and water-rich small planets orbiting M dwarf stars
    Exoplanets smaller than Neptune are common around red dwarf stars (M dwarfs), with those that transit their host star constituting the bulk of known temperate worlds amenable for atmospheric characterization. We analyze the masses and radii of all known small transiting planets around M dwarfs, identifying three populations: rocky, water-rich, and
    Luque, Rafael et al.

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  • A dense 0.1-solar-mass star in a 51-minute-orbital-period eclipsing binary
    Of more than a thousand known cataclysmic variables (CVs), where a white dwarf is accreting from a hydrogen-rich star, only a dozen have orbital periods below 75 minutes 1-9. One way to achieve these short periods requires the donor star to have undergone substantial nuclear evolution before interacting with the white dwarf 10-14, and it is
    Burdge, Kevin B. et al.

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  • A quarter century of spectroscopic monitoring of the nearby M dwarf Gl 514. A super-Earth on an eccentric orbit moving in and out of the habitable zone
    Context. Statistical analyses based on Kepler data show that most of the early-type M dwarfs host multi-planet systems consisting of Earth- to sub-Neptune-sized planets with orbital periods of up to ~250 days, and that at least one such planet is likely located within the habitable zone. M dwarfs are therefore primary targets to search for
    Damasso, M. et al.

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