The Evolving Structure of CRL2688: 14 Years of HST Images
The history of mass loss and chemical enrichment is inscribed on the nebulae surrounding post-AGB stars. Of these objects the most prominent record is the...
The Exact Fractions Technique Applied to the Search of Solar Gravity Modes
Amongst the different techniques applied up to now to the search for solar g--modes (peaks identification, study of the phase/power coherence, the P0 - nur...
The ExoLife Finder project: a prototype hydrid interferometer telescope to be installed at Teide Observatory
The IAC in Tenerife is collaborating with an international consortium involving the University of Hawaii, MorphOptic (USA), Dynamical Intelligent Structures...
The Extended Bar and Grand-Design Spirals in NGC 5248
We present a study of the grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 5248 (Jogee et al. 2002a,b) based on a combination of multi-wavelength % optical, near-infrared, and CO...
The extended structure of the Phoenix dwarf galaxy
The surface brightness profile in the V band of the Phoenix dwarf galaxy shows two stellar components: an inner one, which contains all the young stars of the...