The research about Near Earth Objects (NEOs) is a major topic in planetary science. One reason is the potential hazard some of them pose to human beings and...
The EU Project NEOROCKS — NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization, and Key Simulations Project
The knowledge of even some basic physical properties of a NEO such as the composition and the internal structure has strong implications for both science and...
Obtaining a measure of the baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) is among the top goals of cosmology in the beginning of the twenty-first century. Detection of...
Introduction: The European Galactic Plane Surveys (EGAPS) will for the first time ever map the complete galactic plane (10x360 degrees) down to 21st magnitude...
The European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) has surveyed ~ 12 square degrees of the sky at 15 and 90 μ m and subsets of this area at 6.75 and 175 μ m using the...
The European Low Frequency Survey. Observing the radio sky to understand the beginning of the Universe
In this paper we present the European Low Frequency Survey (ELFS), a project that will enable the detection of primordial B-mode polarization by measuring the...
The European low-frequency survey on the Simons Array
In this paper we present the European Low Frequency Survey (ELFS), a project that will enable foregrounds-free measurements of the primordial B-mode...
In this presentation I will describe the current status of the European Solar Telescope (EST) project. The EST design has a 4-m aperture to achieve both a large...