Changes in the Earth s climate depend most basically on changes in the Sun s output the Earth s reflectance and greenhouse gasses Using SoHO helioseismic data a...
Sunspot Decay as Turbulent Erosion of a Magnetic Flux Tube
Decisive evidence is presented against the validity of the conventional linear decay law for sunspots. Preliminary results from a statistical analysis of...
Super massive star clusters: from superwinds to a cooling catastrophe and the re-processing of the injected gas
The presence of compact and massive star clusters is a characteristic property of many starburst and interacting galaxies. Their extreme mechanical and...
Super Star Clusters and Supergalactic Winds: The Case of M82
Recent results from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) have resolved starbursts as collections of small young stellar clusters. We have elaborated tep{Melo04} a...
Super star clusters (SSCs) are young massive objects typically observed in starburst galaxies. They consist of millions of stars occupying volumes only several...