Subarcsecond knots and filaments in the molecular hydrogen of the bipolar PN NGC 2346
We present high spatial resolution (~60-90 milliarcseconds) images of the molecular hydrogen emission in the planetary nebula NGC 2346. Molecular hydrogen...
Observations in the 100-1000-micron band and the instruments used to obtain them are discussed in contributions to the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Conference...
Successful Measurement of the Full Magnetic Vector Near the Base of the Solar Corona
The measurement of coronal fields has in the past generally been restricted to the field strength or to only some of the components of the magnetic vector. We...
Sulphur abundances and line temperatures in a sample of HII galaxies
We present long-slit observations in the red and near infrared of 12 HII galaxies made with the Isaac Newton Telescope at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory...
We report on sulphur abundances in halo stars as derived from near-IR UVES spectra. The importance of removing telluric lines and residual CCD fringing patterns...