EMIR is a multiobject intermediate resolution near infrared (1.0 - 2.5 microns) spectrograph with imaging capabilities, to be mounted on the Gran Telescopio...
The determination of chemical abundances from stellar spectra is considered a mature field of astrophysics. Digital spectra of stars are recorded and processed...
We present results of our combined X-ray and optical study of NGC 2451, which actually consists of two different stellar clusters situated along the same line...
We present first results of the analysis of X-ray data (ROSAT PSPC and HRI pointings) and optical observations of the open cluster NGC 2451. This object...
Stellar and Gas Kinematics in the Core and Bar Regions of M100
Two-dimensional maps of the stellar and gas kinematics of the bar and starbursting circumnuclear region in the barred spiral galaxy M100 are presented. In this...
Stellar and ionized gas-velocity fields in the central regions of a sample of galaxies
Most of the information concerning the ionized gas and star kinematics in the central regions of galaxies is 1-Dimensional. This hampers the study of the...