Statistical studies of spectral variability in blazars
Blazars are a subclass of Active Galactic Nuclei whose jets closely point to the Earth, characterized by a strong flux variability. These relativistic jets are...
In this contribution we evaluate the minimal cluster mass for which the effects of an incomplete sampling of the Initial Mass Function (IMF) cannot be neglected...
Statistical turbulence vertical profiles at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory and Teide Observatory
The characterization of the vertical turbulence distribution on an astronomical site should be based on statistical behaviour, as it is required for other...
Statistics and multiwavelength synthesis models: towards a new generation of synthesis models
In this contribution I present my current work on a new generation of evolutionary synthesis models that compute the multiwavelength energy distribution (from...
Statistics of atmospheric parameters for multiconjugated adaptive optics for the Observatorio del Roque del los Muchachos
We present the statistical results of the optical-turbulence profiles at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos over a period of six consecutive months...
Status and scientific performance of Elmer, a multi-purpose instrument for the GTC
ELMER is an instrument for the GTC designed to observe between 365 and 1000 nm. The observing modes for the instrument at Day One shall be: Imaging, Long Slit...
Status of Elmer: a multipurpose instrument for the GTC 10-m telescope
ELMER is an instrument for the GTC designed to observe between 365 and 1000 nm. The observing modes for the instrument at Day One shall be: Imaging, Long Slit...
Status of Elmer: an instrument for the GTC 10-m telescope
Elmer is an imager and spectrograph in the visible wavelength range for the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS, GTC. Elmer is being managed directly by the GTC Project...