S im ulation And Analysis Of VIM Measurements: Feedback On Design Parameters
The Visible-light Imager and Magnetograph (VIM) proposed for the ESA Solar Orbiter mission will observe a photo spheric spectral line at high spatial resolution...
S imulations Of Science Data Of The Solo-VIM Instrument
The SolO-VIM instrument will be a two-dimensional full-Stokes spectro-polarimeter which will provide diffraction-limited vector-magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and...
S pace Qualification Of A Thin Wafer Lithium Niobate Etalon For The Visible Light Imager And Magnetograph (Vim)
For the Visible Light Imager and Magnetograph (VIM) a high-resolution filtergraph is under design. The system takes advantage of a lithium niobate (LiNbO3)...
s-process enrichment in the planetary nebula NGC 3918
We present deep, high-resolution (R˜40000) UVES at VLT spectrophotometric data of the planetary nebula NGC 3918. This is one of the deepest spectra ever taken...
s-process enrichment in the planetary nebula NGC 3918. Results from deep echelle spectrophotometry
Approximately half of the elements with atomic number Z > 30 are created by slow neutron-capture process in the stellar interior of low- and intermediate- mass...
S-process nucleosynthesis in AGB models with the FST prescription for convection
The chemical evolution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars depends greatly on the input physics (e.g., mass loss recipe, convective model). Variations in the...
S-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars with the full spectrum of turbulence scheme for convection.
The chemical evolution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars models depends greatly on the input physics (e.g. convective model, mass loss recipe). Variations...
S128, AN HII and Star Forming Region in the Galactic Outback
Calibrated optical narrow-band imaging supplemented by near-infrared imaging of are Sh2-128 and Sh2-128N are presented. This region contains a developed H II...