Phase diversity techniques actually provide robust post-processing methods to restore solar images degraded by seeing-optical aberrations. We present...
One of the aims of next generation optical interferometric instrumentation is to be able to make use of information contained in the visibility phase to...
Despite more than 20 years of study, we still possess only limited constraints on the fundamental properties of SS433. With the exception of the 13d period...
Phase space distribution of halo particles and detection of WIMPS
We calculate the velocity distribution of halo particles using realistic models for the density profiles of the Galactic disk, spheroid, and halo components. We...
Phase space distribution of halo particles and detection of WIMPS.
The authors calculate the velocity distribution of halo particles using realistic models for the density profiles of the Galactic disk, spheroid, and halo...
Phasing of segmented mirrors: new algorithm and numerical results for piston detection
The PSF of a segmented mirror telescope is hardly affected by the segments alignment and it can cancel the performances of the Adaptive Optics Systems. The...