Periodicities Within the Frequency Spectra of δ Scuti Stars Observed by Kepler
We showed in previous works that a periodic pattern could be found in the frequency set of δ Sct stars observed by CoRoT. We related that pattern with a value...
Periodicities Within the Frequency Spectra of δ Scuti Stars Observed by Kepler
We showed in previous works that a periodic pattern could be found in the frequency set of δ Sct stars observed by CoRoT. We related that pattern with a value...
Periodicity and eclipse minima timing of CM Draconis.
Periodic deviations from a linear ephemeris of a binary star's eclipses can indicate the presence of a third body in orbit around both. Hints for such companion...
Perseus - A Huge Reservoir of Dark Matter investigated with MAGIC
Galaxy clusters are excellent targets for high energy astrophysics with gamma rays. Not only they may host active galaxies, but they are often expected to...