Making MILES better for stellar population modelling
In order to build more realistic single stellar population (SSP) models with variable α-enhancement, we have recently determined [Mg/Fe] in a uniform scale with...
Astronomers nowadays have a wealth of sophisticated publishing software at their fingertips, but are they achieving acceptable standards of presentation?
Making the Most of Transmission Spectra in Light of Stellar Activity: Needs Identified by ExoPAG's Study Analysis Group 21
Transmission spectroscopy, a method for studying exoplanetary atmospheres by measuring the wavelength-dependent radius of a planet as it transits its star...
Manufacturing, integration, and testing of ELMER structure and mechanisms
ELMER is an optical instrument for the GTC designed to observe between 3650 and 10000 Armstrong. The observing modes for the instrument at Day One shall be...
We present the science case for mapping several thousand galaxy (proto)clusters at z=1-10 with a large aperture single dish sub-mm facility, producing a high...
Mapping magnetic activity indicators across the M dwarf domain
Stellar activity poses one of the main obstacles for the detection and characterisation of exoplanets around cool stars, as it can induce radial velocity (RV)...