Tadpole galaxies have a giant star-forming region at the end of an elongated intensity distribution. The origin of this asymmetric structure is not known...
Localised and transient impact of nuclear activity on the central kiloparsec of galaxies
Observational and theoretical evidence supports the idea that the influence of supermassive black hole growth on galaxies extends from the central tens of...
Lockman-SpReSO: a deep OSIRIS spectroscopic survey
Lockman-SpReSO is a deep optical spectroscopic survey of a complete sample of galaxies previously observed at the greatest depth in X-ray, far infrared, and sub...
The LOFT mission concept is one of four candidates selected by ESA for the M3 launch opportunity as Medium Size missions of the Cosmic Vision programme. The...
Long Duration Balloon Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar power system development
High altitude scientific balloons have been used for many years to provide scientists with access to near space at a fraction of the cost of satellite based or...
The galaxy NGC 5506 hosts an active nucleus, that presents characteristics that are intermediate between Sy1 and Sy2. We discuss long slit spectra of NGC 5506...
Long slit spectroscopy of the nuclear zone of NGC 253
A study has been undertaken of the physical conditions of the ionized gas within the starburst region of the galaxy NGC 253, using long slit spectroscopy at...
Long term and archivable reproducibility, a summary
Scientific data analysis pipelines commonly use high-level technologies that were popular when they were created, only providing an immediate solution which is...
Gravitational lenses are a consequence of the bending of light rays, which is one of the "classical" tests of Einsteins' General Relativity. This phenomenon...