Lithium, beryllium and boron - Observational constraints on primordial nucleosynthesis
The evidence bearing on the derivation of the primordial Li-7 abundance is summarized from observations of extremely metal-deficient stars in the galactic halo...
Lithology A in EETA79001 - Product of impact melting on Mars
Martian meteorite EETA79001 is composed of two distinct magmatic lithologies, astutely named A and B, joined by an igneous contact. Lithology B is a coarse...
LkHα 262/263: the paradigm of multiplicity vs disk fraction in low-mass stellar systems.
The study of multiple systems and their link with the presence of discs around their components is key to understanding the evolution of low-mass pre-main...
LLCD operations using the Lunar Lasercom OGS Terminal
The paper describes the operations of ESA's Optical Ground Station (OGS) during the Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration (LLCD) experiment, performed in...