The bright nebular complex NGC 6334 contains some of the most active sites of massive star formation known in our Galaxy. It is located at a distance from the...
We present ISOCAM and ISOPHOT observations of the galaxy pair NGC 6090. The SED derived from all ISO measurements is typical for strong starbursts which were...
The Starmus Festival - Our Primary Goal: Science Communication
Starmus is a global festival of science communication and art that brings together the most brilliant minds on the planet. The festival is a gathering of top...
The status of the QUIJOTE multi-frequency instrument
The QUIJOTE-CMB project has been described in previous publications. Here we present the current status of the QUIJOTE multi-frequency instrument (MFI) with...
The STELLA project: two 1.2m robotic telescopes for simultaneous high-resolution Echelle spectroscopy and imaging photometry
We present an overview and a brief report on the status of the STELLA project (abbreviation for STELLar Activity). The STELLA-I telescope will be the first...