The star formation history of the Fornax dSph galaxy using the new synthetic color-magnitude diagram code IAC-STAR
We present VLT-FORS1 color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) reaching the oldest main-sequence turnoffs for three fields at two galactocentric distances in the Fornax...
The star formation history of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
We present the first results of a comprehensive HST study of the star-formation history of Fornax dSph, based on WFPC2 imaging of 7 Fornax fields. Our...
The Star Formation History of the Local Group Dwarf Galaxy Leo I
We present results on the star formation history of the Local Group dSph galaxy Leo I, obtained through the analysis of its deep HST color-magnitude diagram...
The star formation history of the Magellanic Clouds
The star formation history of the Magellanic Clouds, including the old and intermediate-age star formation events, can be studied reliably and in detail through...
The Star Formation History of the Magellanic Clouds: Latest Results
We present new results of a long-term investigation of the stellar content of the Large and the Small Magellanic Cloud. The main aim of the project is to obtain...
The Star Formation of a Giant H II Region in M 101
We present a study of the star formation process in the giant H II region NGC 5471 in the outskirts of M 101 from both integrated and resolved photometry...
The Star Formation Rates in Ultra-Massive z > 2 Galaxies
Understanding the assembly of the most massive galaxies is one of the most important problems in astronomy today. It is now feasible to identify the most...