Development of the Laser Guide Star Facility (LGSF)
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the IAC has signed the ERDF Agreement INSIDE-OOCC (8,139 keuros) to guarantee the implementation of 11...
EELabs ( is a project financed by the INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020 Programme, co-financed by the FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) of the...
The Government of the Canary Islands is immersed in the execution of the Septenio programme, launched last year. In 2009, it joined the initiative of the...
Enhance Technological Capabilities At The Observatories, Including The Joint Development Of State-Of-Art Instrumentation-INSIDE (OOCC)
The Observatorios de Canarias (OOCC) represent the largest collection of professional solar and night-time telescopes in the world. The aim of the IAC´s...
EuroCC – National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
Instituto Astrofísica de Canarias is a member of the National Center of Competences in High Performance Computing/Supercomputing (HPC), High Performance Data...
First science with adaptive optics at GTC with GRANCAIN, the provisional IR camera for the GTCAO system.
GTCAO is the single-conjugate aAdaptive Optics system being developed for the GTC. In its first light it will consist of a natural star system (NGS), which will...