Enhance Technological Capabilities At The Observatories, Including The Joint Development Of State-Of-Art Instrumentation-INSIDE (OOCC)

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    The Observatorios de Canarias (OOCC) represent the largest collection of professional solar and night-time telescopes in the world. The aim of the IAC´s telescopic installations operation project is the correct management of those installations of the IAC in the OOCC, as well as the IAC´s own instruments and the observing time enjoyed by other telescopes.

    The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the IAC has signed the ERDF Agreement INSIDE-OOCC (8,136 keuros) to guarantee the implementation of 11 sub-actions of the Strategic Plan approved for the OOCC in 2018. This agreement includes the strategic investments for the development of new detectors, including the improvement of the control systems for the TCS and IAC80 Telescopes, with a budget of 910 keuros, described below:

    • Major upgrade of detectors to carry out specific observing programmes

    This sub-action is focused on the development of new detectors, as a set of versatile and modern instruments prepared for multi-band imaging and spectra observations, some of them with AO or LI capabilities and lead by 5 different Telescopes (IAC80, TCS, NOT, OGS and WHT). These major upgrades of detectors will allow to carry out specific observing programmes such as space debris and satellite surveillance, among others.

    • Control system for TCS and IAC80

    The control software of the TCS and IAC80 Telescopes controls the movement of the telescope and all the incorporated auxiliary mechanisms. The control system resides on the Control PC connect via RS232 line, acting as user interface. The control PC, must be fully updated. The goal of this sub-action includes the development and installation of a software and a hardware environment versatile enough to control both telescopes on-site and remotely.

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