
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Scatter plot of oscillation amplitude and damping ratio values for 101 loop oscillation cases. The symbols and their colors indicate the levels of evidence obtained for the nonlinear (NL) and the linear resonant absorption (RA) models.
    The solar coronal heating problem originated almost 80 years ago and remains unsolved. A plausible explanation lies in mechanisms based on magnetic wave energy dissipation. Currently, several linear and nonlinear wave damping models have been proposed. The advent of space instrumentation has led to the creation of catalogues containing the properties of a large number of loop oscillation events. When the damping ratio of the oscillations is plotted against their oscillation amplitude, the data are scattered forming a cloud with a triangular shape. Larger amplitudes correspond in general to
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  • Disco dorado Voayager
    La II edición de este proyecto de divulgación científica mostrará la belleza y riqueza del patrimonio cultural del concejo de Allande (Asturias) a través de la Astronomía, del 20 al 22 de agosto. Tras el éxito de la primera edición, el equipo multidisciplinar de “Allande Stars” volverá a subirse a su furgoneta de estrellas los días 20, 21 y 22 de agosto de 2021 para llevar la Ciencia a la zona rural. Con la misma pasión e ilusión que el año anterior, sus colaboradores recorrerán el concejo de Allande impartiendo talleres diurnos y nocturnos relacionados con la Astronomía y la Astrofísica
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  • AEACI 2021 tutors and collaborators
    Under the title "Our home in the cosmic ocean", the seventh edition of the international summer course "Astronomy Education Adventure in the Canary Islands" has had 136 participants from 30 countries who have been trained in the latest discoveries about the Solar System and in the techniques and tools they can use to investigate it with their students. Several of the lectures from the course, given by researchers and science communicators, have just been published on the IAC's YouTube channel. For the seventh consecutive year, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and NUCLIO, in
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  • Artist’s impression of the L 98-59 planetary system. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser
    An international team of astronomers, in which the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has participated, has found an exoplanetary system formed by several planets similar to the inner planets of the Solar System, orbiting around the nearby star L 98-59. Among them there is a planet with half the mass of Venus -the lowest mass exoplanet ever measured using the radial velocity technique-, an oceanic planet, and a planet possibly within the habitable zone.
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  • Perseids on MAGIC telescope
    For yet another year the channel will be broadcasting the maximum of the Perseids from the Canary Observatories, with the collaboration of the Energy Efficiency Laboratories (EELabs) project, coordinated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the Innovation Service of the Cabildo Insular of La Palma. This will be during the night of 12th to 13th August, when the best estimates for the activity of the meteors is a rate of 100 per hour. Even though the first records of the Perseids date from 36 A.D., it was not until 1835 that the Belgian astronomer Adolphe Quetelet
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