
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Image of the galaxy cluster Abell 370, one of the regions of the sky observed in the SHARDS Frontier Fields project. This is the deepest image ever taken to detect galaxies with emission lines, which are actively forming stars. The centre of the cluster is in the upper right of the image. In the same area, you can see gravitationally amplified galaxies, some of them showing highly deformed and lengthened morphologies, known as arcs. Credit: GRANTECAN
    One of the most interesting questions for astrophysicists for the past few decades is how and when did the first galaxies form. One of the possible answers to “how” is that star formation in the first galaxies took place at a steady rate, building up a system with increasing mass. Another possibility is that the formation was more violent and discontinuous, with intense bursts of star formation, on short timescales, triggered by events such as galaxy mergers and strong concentrations of gas.
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  • Reunión Nadia Calviño y Rafael Rebolo
    The first Vice-president and minister for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, announced yesterday in La Palma her support for the project to improve the fibre optic connectivity of the island, with a planned investment of around 40 million euros from the European Union’s Recovery Plan. The Vice-president of the Government Nadia Calviño, said “We are working to improve the fibre optic connectivity of La Palma, by investing a part of the European funds. It is a matter of reinforcing the role of the Canaries as one of the hubs of intercontinental connectivity and our aim
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  • CCI participants 14 Oct 21
    The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Observatories of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has held recently its annual autumn meeting in La Palma and wants to express its solidarity with the people of La Palma during these trying times. The CCI is the international board of the institutions present at the observatories in the Canary Islands. For all the national and international research institutions and universities that are represented in this Committee, and especially those who have telescopes and other scientific installations at the Observatorio del Roque de
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  • The region of the solar disk observed by CLASP2.1
    In 2015 and 2019 an international team (USA, Japan and Europe) carried out two unprecedented suborbital space experiments called CLASP and CLASP2, which were motivated by theoretical investigations carried out at the IAC. After the success of such missions, the team has just launched CLASP2.1 from the NASA facility in White Sands Missile Range (New Mexico, USA). The aim is to map the solar magnetic field throughout the chromosphere of an active region. To this end, CLASP2.1 has successfully measured the intensity and polarization of the solar ultraviolet radiation emitted by magnesium and
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  • Illustration of the formation of a planet round a star similar to the Sun, with rocks and iron molecules, the basic components of planets, in the foreground. Credit: Tania Cunha (Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva & Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço).
    Newly formed stars have protoplanetary discs around them. A fraction of the material in the disc condenses into planet-forming chunks, and the rest finally falls into the star. Because of their common origin, researchers have assumed that the composition of these chunks and that of the rocky planets with low masses should be similar to that of their host stars. However, until now the Solar System was the only available reference for the astronomers.
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  • Artist impression of a quasar
    According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity gravity affects light as well as matter. One consequence of this theory, based on the Principle of Equivalence, is that the light which escapes from a region with a strong gravitational field loses energy on its way, so that it becomes redder, a phenomenon known as the gravitational redshift. Quantifying this gives a fundamental test of Einstein’s theory of gravitation. Until now this test had been performed only on bodies in the nearby universe, but thanks to the use of a new experimental procedure scientists at the Instituto de
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