(Mid-resolution InfRAreD Astronomical Spectrograph) The infrared spectrograph of intermediate resolution, MIRADAS, will operate in the 1 to 2.5 micron infrared...
Espectrógrafo infrarrojo de alta resolución para el Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC) del Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos en la isla de La Palma. El...
NIRPS is an infrared extension of HARPS covering instantaneously the Y, J and H band (973.79 to 1808.53 nm). A K-Band extension is possible. NIRPS is a fibre...
NRT will be the biggest robotic telescope in the World. Located in the outstanding astronomical observatory Roque de los Muchachos, it is expected to open up a...
NISP is an infrared spectrograph for the EUCLID mission. EUCLID is an ESA mission in the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program, and its main aim is to obtain a map of...
PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars space mission
Para conseguir los objetivos, PLATO estará equipado con 26 telescopios de pequeño formato, cada uno de ellos con 4 detectores tipo CCD con un total de 80...