Cooperation agreements

The IAC carries out most of its activity in close collaboration with national and international institutions. These collaborations are developed under the framework of Memorandum of Undesrstanding or Specific Agreements in which the rights and obligations of the signatories are established, as well as the possible counterbenefits for the achievement of common objectives. In this section, you will find the list of agreements participated by the IAC, with detailed information about signatories, the purpose of the agreement, period of validity and other details of interest.

  • Convenio entre el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias y Esteyco para el «diseño conceptual del paquete de tareas mecánicas de la estructura de los telescopios» en el ámbito del espacio de colaboración tecnológica-empresarial IATEC
    Tiene por objeto posibilitar la colaboración entre las partes firmantes para el desarrollo de las actividades que conforman el proyecto «Diseño Conceptual del Paquete de Tareas Mecánicas de la
    In-force date
  • Memorandum Of Understanding between the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie ,The Institute Neel and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias for the use of the KISS instrument at the first QUIJOTE telescope
    The main objectives of this MOU is to establish a technical and scientific collaboration including permanent scientist and technical personnel, postdocs, PhD and graduate students, in order to carry
    In-force date
  • Academic propietor agreement (edited book) between Cambridge University Press and Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
    Establish collaboration for a work is provisionally entitled Radiative Transfer in Stellar and Planetary Atmospherescomprised of multiple chapters written by various contributors in which the
    In-force date
  • Memorandum Of Understanding between Instituto the Astrofísica de Canarias and Airbnb Strategic Partnership
    The collaboration between IAC and Airbnb is based on three strategic pillars in which the parties intend to cooperate, without exclusivity, by collaborating in good faith: 1. The promotion of astro
    In-force date
  • Convenio de colaboración DECA entre INCYDE y el IAC dentro del proyecto "Incubadora de Alta Tecnología para el fomento de la innovación y la transferencia de la tecnología a las MICROPYMES"
    Este Convenio se suscribe entre ambas partes en cumplimiento de la Cláusula Vigesimotercera de la Convocatoria reguladora de la Concesión de ayudas relativas al proyecto Incubadoras de Alta Tecnología
    In-force date
  • Framework agreement IAC and ESTEYCO (IACTec)
    El presente convenio tiene por objeto posibilitar la colaboración y la puesta en común de forma coordinada entre el IAC y la EMPRESA, de los medios personales, materiales y económicos de que dispongan
    In-force date