The area of technological and business collaboration of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, ICTec organized a meeting for discussion about the transfer of...
The area of technological and business collaboration of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, ICTec organized a meeting for discussion about the transfer of...
Scientists from all over the world who are studying high energy astrophysics met today in La Palma, after attending yesterday, at the Roque de los Muchachos...
Fuerteventura se vuelca con “Descubre el Universo”
Más de mil personas asistieron ayer a este evento de divulgación científica, celebrado en el Palacio de Formación y Congresos de Puerto del Rosario, donde...
Fullerenes discovered in a star formation region in Perseus
A study carried out by IAC researcher Susana Iglesias-Groth has detected molecules of pure carbon in one of the nearest star formation regions to the Solar...
An international team of researchers, including David S. Aguado, Jonay González and Carlos Allende Prieto of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has...
Galactic cannibalism: Researchers from the IAC and the University of Geneva find the remains of Sagittarius, a dwarf galaxy "devoured" by the Milky Way
The results of this study were published on Saturday, 10 March, in the specialist publication Astrophysical Journal Letters AVAILABLE IN 3D ANIMATED BETACAM...
This IAC project, funded by the FECYT, will allow us to put together the biggest panoramic image of our galaxy without using professional telescopes. The...
GALÁCTICA: The largest photo of the Milky Way available on the web
This FECYT-funded project of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has produced the largest panoramic view of our galaxy without using professional...