Ro Cassiopeiae, la estrella que anunció la entrada en el nuevo milenio con una espectacular explosión
La estrella, que experimenta este tipo de explosiones cada cincuenta años, perdió en el último estallido una masa equivalente al 10% de la masa del Sol
Rocky exoplanets and their host stars may have similar composition
Newly formed stars have protoplanetary discs around them. A fraction of the material in the disc condenses into planet-forming chunks, and the rest finally...
Romano Corradi (IAC) y sus colaboradores observan con el Hubble detalles de la espectacular Nebulosa del Cangrejo del Sur
Jean Rayrole, astrónomo del Observatorio de París y "padre" del telescopio solar franco-italiano THEMIS, instalado en el Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife), se...
ROMANO CORRADI: “One of the best telescopes in the world had to be in one of the best sites in the world for observing the sky”
The Gran Telescopio Canarias(GTC), on the point of completing 10 years of scientific operation, is still the largest optical and infrared telescope in the world...
Las Políticas de Igualdad en Ciencia han centrado la atención del tercer bloque del congreso, clausurado en el Hotel Nivaria, en La Laguna, con una mesa debate...
Rosa Montero will visit the IAC and the Canary Observatories
The writer and journalist is the second invitee to participate in the cross-disciplinary proyect "En un lugar del Universo..." which brings together Literature...
ROSA MONTERO: "Looking up at the sky makes us more human, more civilized, less mean"
The writer and journalist from Madrid, who has participated in the multidisciplinary project at the IAC "En un lugar del Universo...", has described as...