Models for encouraging girls to get interested in science
The third chapter of the audiovisual series “Girls who broke a glass ceiling looking at the sky” is arriving at the end of the school year, when those who are...
Molecules precursors to life discovered in the Perseus Cloud
A study led by the researcher Susana Iglesias of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias has detected the presence of large quantities of complex organic...
Monsters of the deep: hunting for the most massive stars with the Gran Telescopio CANARIASOn Thursday, 23 November, at 19:30, in the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, in La Laguna
By Steve Eikenberry, of the University of Florida and invited lecturer at the XVIII Canary Winter School of Astrophysics
More than 80 participants from the whole world will attend the IAC Winter School on Big Data
This annual meeting for young researchers- doctoral students and postdocs- will be dedicated to the analysis of big data bases in Astronomy. It is taking place...
Multimedia - IV Congreso "Ciencia con el Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)"Multimedia
ENTREVISTAS Entrevistas en vídeo (web Congreso GTC) Entrevistas en vídeo (canal Congreso GTC en Youtube) Entrevistas en vídeo (canal Congreso GTC en Dailymotion...
MuSCAT2 to find Earth-like habitable planets in the TESS era
A Japan-Spain international collaboration team has developed a powerful 4-color simultaneous camera named MuSCAT2 on the 1.52m Telescopio Carlos Sánchez in the...
Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos. Conferencia de divulgación: Tormentas EspacialesHoy, a las 19:30h, en el Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, en La Laguna
Por el astrónomo André Balogh, profesor invitado a la XV Escuela de Invierno de Astrofísica del IAC
MUTANT, the tool in PROMISSE to characterize biological tissues at different depths
The programme of IACTEC-Medical Technology of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias has developed a multifrequency microwave system called PROMISSE...
Nace "GTCdigital", un boletín divulgativo que proporciona información viva y actualizada sobre el progreso y novedades del Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)
Hoy sale a la luz el proyecto “GTCdigital”, un boletín divulgativo que pretende mantener informado al público sobre todo aquello relacionado con el GTC, un...