Severo Ochoa Programme

Outreach news

  • Caitlin Casey durante su estancia en el IAC. Crédito: Viktor Rivera (IAC).
    Cuando era una niña, Caitlin Casey acudía al planetario de su escuela con mucha frecuencia, fascinada por los objetos celestes que allí podía descubrir. Años después, ya como profesora de Astronomía en la Universidad de Texas, Austin (EEUU), confiesa que su pasión por esta ciencia nació en esa época y hoy disfruta enseñándola e investigando sus temas predilectos: las galaxias más masivas y luminosas del Universo, unos objetos tan extremos y complejos que suponen un reto a la hora de hacer simulaciones cosmológicas. Utilizando observaciones submilimétricas, se propone conocer cómo estas
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  • Artemio Herrero, investigador del IAC y ponente de la XXIX Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
    Hoy se inauguró la XXIX Escuela de Invierno que, como cada año, organiza el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Por este motivo, entrevistamos a Artemio Herrero, catedrático de la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) e investigador del IAC, especializado en las atmósferas de las estrellas masivas, que hablará sobre los Fundamentos Físicos del Transporte Radiativo. En sus charlas introducirá algunos conceptos básicos sobre la interacción entre radiación y materia que serán desarrollados por el resto de profesores a lo largo de la semana. "El transporte radiativo es fundamental en
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  • Malcolm Fridlund during his stay at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Credit: Elena Mora (IAC).
    Life, as we know it, exists only on Earth. The emergence of life here may be a matter of probability or luck, but in Science there is no place for the second. Evidence is needed and, for this reason, there are researchers like Malcolm Fridlund, an expert on Astrobiology and Exoplanets, bent on finding other earths that can host some form of life, however simple it may be. Professor at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) and Affiliated Professor at the Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg (Sweden), he has been involved in instrumental development and space missions of ESA and NASA
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  • Santi Cassisi during his stay at the IAC. Credit: Sebastián Hidalgo (IAC).
    “The stellar population group at IAC has developed state-of-the-art population synthesis tools for retrieving the Stellar Formation History of resolved stellar systems” “We still lack of a clear understanding of how globular clusters formed and what was the sequence of events that leaded to the formation of distinct stellar sub-populations” “The discovery of multiple stellar populations in Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs) is one of the most important discovery of Astrophysics of last decade” By Elena Mora (IAC) Is it possible to know how stars formed billions of years ago? Santi Cassisi, a
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  • Dimitri Gadotti, faculty astronomer of the ESO Observatory, at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Credit: Elena Mora (IAC).
    “With TIMER we could demonstrate a very beautiful idea: If we measure the ages of the stars that were born in the bar via the secular evolution processes, we can estimate when the galactic disc settled into a dynamically mature state” “In order to understand well how galaxies came to be the way we observe them today we must understand well the effects driven by bars” “With the TIMER demonstration programme we have already shown for one galaxy that secular evolution started 10 billion years ago, and that the structure thus formed is actually old” By Elena Mora (IAC) On nights which are
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