We are currently living in very exciting times for stellar physics studies thanks to the large number of space missions that provided or are still providing a...
11th February, on-line activities to encourage scientific careers for younger girls
For a further year the IAC is celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with activities to encourage the interest of the younger girls in...
A workshop in La Palma consolidates scientific collaboration in astronomy between Spain and China
From 25 to 28 July, the workshop " China-Spain collaboration on astronomical high-resolution spectroscopy" will be held in Fuencaliente (La Palma). Its aim is...
An award for the audiovisual series “The IAC investigates”
The audiovisual series “The IAC investigates” produced by the IAC within its Unit of Communication and Scientific Culture (UC3) with funding from the Severo...
ARTEMIO HERRERO: “Un fotón puede tardar hasta un millón de años en alcanzar la superficie solar“
Hoy se inauguró la XXIX Escuela de Invierno que, como cada año, organiza el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Por este motivo, entrevistamos a Artemio...
CAITLIN CASEY: “Queremos saber cómo se formaron las galaxias más extremas en el universo primitivo”
Cuando era una niña, Caitlin Casey acudía al planetario de su escuela con mucha frecuencia, fascinada por los objetos celestes que allí podía descubrir. Años...
Tomorrow, Friday 25th November at 18.30, will take place the public lecture “Listening to dark matter”, in which the mystery of dark matter will be approached...
Charla pública Winter School: "La Vía Láctea y sus encuentros con otras galaxias"
Gracias a la cantidad de datos producidos por la misión Gaia de la Agencia Espacial Europea y su excelente precisión, en los últimos años los estudios sobre...
DIEGO BLAS: “We are in a golden period when the connection between theory and observations is increasingly necessary"
The gravitational force needed for the universe to evolve from when it was almost uniform, during the Big Bang, until galaxies, stars, and planets were formed...