IACTEC Medical Technology - Access to local database

The "IAC-TecMed_database.zip" file contains images of the soles of the feet for 19 healthy volunteers. In the “Processed” data folder, for each subject, a metadata file and 4 multimodal images are provided: RGB, Depth, Infrared (tiff format) and Infrared (png format) acquired at T0, T5, T10 and T15. Additionally, masks are provided for each foot so that they can be processed separately.

The RGB and Depth (RGB-D) images were acquired with an Intel® RealSense™ D415 camera (Intel Corporation) whereas the IR images were acquired with a TE-Q1 Plus from Thermal Expert™ (i3system Inc.). The RGB-D images were spatially registered and cropped to match the coordinate system and size of the IR images. Thus, each pixel was represented by five channels (R, G, B, D, IR).

The “Raw” data folder contains the unregistered RGB-D images, for each volunteer, at each time points.

More details about the acquisition can be found in the following article: Arteaga-Marrero et al. "Morphological Foot Model for Temperature Pattern Analysis Proposed for Diabetic Foot Disorders." Applied Sciences 11.16 (2021): 7396.

IAC-TecMed Database by Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

We inform you that the images were acquired within the IACTEC Medical Technology program to advance knowledge of the subject, so they are made available to the scientific community with the prior consent of the people who participated in the study. We ask for an ethical use of the images and in no case may they be used for purposes other than those established in this clause.

Basic Information on Data Protection: The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias is responsible for the treatment, whose purpose is the management and control of the images download. The legitimation of the treatment is a legitimate interest and your data will not be transferred to third parties except to other public administrations in compliance with the regulations. There are no international data transfers. You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information that you can request at our address C/Via Lactea s/n 38200 La Laguna Tenerife – SPAIN.