
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Modeling Binary Systems Containing the Hot White Dwarfs WD1136+667 and Gaia-DR2-1350
    In this study, we look specifically at binary white dwarfs where the companion is a main sequence star. In particular, we look at very hot white dwarfs, many of which demonstrate the "hydrogen problem" in which modeling of their hydrogen absorption features, and optical features in general, do not appear to give accurate temperatures. The two
    Wood, Hunter et al.

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  • Modeling Close Binary Systems Within Planetary Nebulae
    We present here binary modeling for the close binary central star of the planetary nebula Hf 2-2. While binary models for 26 close binary star systems within a planetary nebula exist, this number is far too low to perform a significant statistical analysis. In order to work towards increasing this number, and thus improving the statistical results
    Blanton, Lilly et al.

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  • Photometric and colorimetric studies of target objects using small and medium-size telescopes
    We report on follow-up studies of transient events and objects, which have been conducted in recent years using ground-based optical observations. BVRI photometry has been performed with small and medium-sized telescopes located in Europe and North America. The purpose of these studies, which are mainly focused on objects of unknown nature, is to
    Godunova, V. G. et al.

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  • Pointing Calibration of GroundBIRD Telescope Using Moon Observation Data
    Understanding telescope pointing (i.e. line of sight) is important for observing the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and astronomical objects. The Moon is a candidate astronomical source for pointing calibration. Although the visible size of the Moon (30') is larger than that of the planets, we can frequently observe the Moon once a month with a
    Sueno, Y. et al.

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  • Probing the roles of orientation and multiscale gas distributions in shaping the obscuration of active galactic nuclei through cosmic time
    The origin of obscuration in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is still an open debate. In particular, it is unclear what drives the relative contributions to the line-of-sight column densities from galaxy-scale and torus-linked obscuration. The latter source is expected to play a significant role in Unification Models, while the former is thought to
    Alonso-Tetilla, Alba V. et al.

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  • QUIJOTE Scientific Results - XVII. Studying the anomalous microwave emission in the Andromeda Galaxy with QUIJOTE-MFI
    The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is the Local Group galaxy that is most similar to the Milky Way (MW). The similarities between the two galaxies make M31 useful for studying integrated properties common to spiral galaxies. We use the data from the recent QUIJOTE-MFI Wide Survey, together with new raster observations focused on M31, to study its
    Fernández-Torreiro, M. et al.

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