
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The Lazy Giants: APOGEE Abundances Reveal Low Star Formation Efficiencies in the Magellanic Clouds
    We report the first APOGEE metallicities and α-element abundances measured for 3600 red giant stars spanning a large radial range of both the Large (LMC) and Small Magellanic Clouds, the largest Milky Way (MW) dwarf galaxies. Our sample is an order of magnitude larger than that of previous studies and extends to much larger radial distances. These
    Nidever, David L. et al.

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  • Lunar Standstills or Lunistices, Reality or Myth?
    There is an intense debate in cultural astronomy on the importance of lunar standstills in prehistory or antiquity, and even on whether this elusive and difficult-to-understand phenomenon actually was then recognised. In the present paper, we seek to address those who advocate no longer using the terms "lunar standstill" or the related "lunistice"
    González-García, A. C. et al.

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  • Cuando la ortodoxia no es lo más relevante: El paisaje de La Gomera y la orientación de sus iglesias
    Presentamos un estudio de la relación entre astronomía y paisaje centrado en la orientación de las iglesias y ermitas cristianas de la isla de La Gomera, situada en el Archipiélago Canario (España). El trabajo de campo consistió en la medición de las coordenadas precisas de ubicación de 38 iglesias y ermitas, lo que representa la casi
    Di Paolo, A. et al.

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  • Equinox in Petra: Land- and Skyscape in the Nabataean Capital
    In earlier works, we had shown the actual possibility that the Nabataeans had used the Equinox, or an astronomical event equivalent to this, as an important milestone to control the calendar, stablish festivals and perform pilgrimages to important sacred sites. In this paper we present evidence that this was indeed the case. In a research carried
    Belmonte, J. A. et al.

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  • Under the same sky with Amanar
    The support of the international astronomical community to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is fundamental to advance the rights and needs of the most vulnerable groups of our global society. Among these groups are the refugees.
    Benítez Herrera, Sandra et al.

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  • A Novel Design and Optimization Approach for Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) Based on MOST Scattering Parameters and the gm/ID Ratio
    This work presents a new design methodology for radio frequency (RF) integrated circuits based on a unified analysis of the scattering parameters of the circuit and the gm/ID ratio of the involved transistors. Since the scattering parameters of the circuits are parameterized by means of the physical characteristics of transistors, designers can
    Juan L. Castagnola et al.

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