
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Lyman continuum leaker candidates at z ∼ 3-4 in the HDUV based on a spectroscopic sample of MUSE LAEs
    Context. In recent years, a number of Lyman continuum (LyC) leaker candidates have been found at intermediate redshifts, providing insight into how the Universe was reionised at early cosmic times. There are now around 100 known LyC leakers at all redshifts, which enables us to analyse their properties statistically. Aims: Here, we identify new LyC
    Kerutt, J. et al.

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  • Measuring the Masses of the TOI-700 Planets with ESPRESSO
    Over the past three decades, astronomers have discovered that small, rocky planets in temperate orbits are common around our neighboring stars. Whether or not these planets can maintain atmospheres is an open question in the field. Recently, considerable attention in this search has been focused on M dwarfs stars, as their small sizes make it
    Gilbert, Emily et al.

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  • MIGHTEE-H I: H I galaxy properties in the large-scale structure environment at z 0.37 from a stacking experiment
    We present the first measurement of H I mass of star-forming galaxies in different large scale structure environments from a blind survey at z ~ 0.37. In particular, we carry out a spectral line stacking analysis considering 2875 spectra of colour-selected star-forming galaxies undetected in H I at 0.23 < z < 0.49 in the COSMOS field, extracted
    Sinigaglia, Francesco et al.

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  • Nodal Precession of a Hot Jupiter Transiting the Edge of a Late A-Type Star TOI-1518
    TOI-1518b, a hot Jupiter around a late A-type star, is one of the few planetary systems that transit the edge of the stellar surface (the impact parameter b~0.9) among hot Jupiters around hot stars (Cabot et al. 2021). The host star's high rotation speed (Vsini s~85 km s -1) and the planet's nearly polar orbit (λ~120 deg) may cause a nodal
    Watanabe, Noriharu et al.

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  • Observational evidence of different formation mechanisms of Solar System-type architectures across spectral types
    Despite being the most abundant classes of known exoplanets, super-Earths and mini-Neptunes are absent in our Solar System, and the exact reason for this is still unknown. Some models suggest that cold-Jupiters play a major role in the formation of inner low-mass planets. This could explain the current architecture of our Solar System, and the
    Pinamonti, Matteo et al.

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  • Performance and first measurements of the MAGIC stellar intensity interferometer
    In recent years, a new generation of optical intensity interferometers has emerged, leveraging the existing infrastructure of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). The MAGIC telescopes host the MAGIC-SII system (Stellar Intensity Interferometer), implemented to investigate the feasibility and potential of this technique on IACTs. After
    Abe, S. et al.

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