
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • BG Tri: an example of a low-inclination RW Sex-type nova-like
    We analyse a wealth of optical spectroscopic and photometric observations of the bright (V = 11.9) cataclysmic variable BG Tri. The Gaia DR2 parallax gives a distance d = 334(8) pc to the source, making the object one of the intrinsically brightest nova-like variables seen under a low orbital inclination angle. Time-resolved spectroscopic
    Hernández, M. S. et al.

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  • Density weighted angular redshift fluctuations: a new cosmological observable
    We propose the use of angular fluctuations in the galaxy redshift field as a new way to extract cosmological information in the Universe. This new probe $\delta z (\hat{\mathbf {n}})$ consists of the statistics of sky maps built by projecting redshifts under a Gaussian window of width σ z centred upon a redshift z obs, and weighted by the galaxy
    Hernández-Monteagudo, Carlos et al.

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  • Exploring the planetary-mass population in the Upper Scorpius association
    We aim at identifying very low-mass isolated planetary-mass member candidates in the nearest OB association to the Sun, Upper Scorpius (USco) (145 pc; 5-10 Myr), to constrain the form and shape of the luminosity function and mass spectrum in this regime. We conducted a deep multiband (Y = 21.2, J = 20.5, Z = 22.0 mag) photometric survey of 6 deg 2
    Lodieu, N. et al.

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  • Globular cluster systems of relic galaxies
    We analyse the globular cluster (GC) systems of a sample of 15 massive, compact early-type galaxies (ETGs), 13 of which have already been identified as good relic galaxy candidates on the basis of their compact morphologies, old stellar populations and stellar kinematics. These relic galaxy candidates are likely the nearby counterparts of high
    Alamo-Martínez, Karla A. et al.

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  • ¿Atrapando el solsticio? Un análisis crítico de la orientación de los templos de Deir el-Bahari
    Resumen: Durante campañas realizadas la década pasada en el marco de la Misión Arqueoastronómica del Egipto antiguo se estudiaron los templos de Deir el-Bahari, en particular el de Mentuhotep II y el de Hatshepsut. Aunque grosso modo parecían pertenecer a la familia de los templos orientados a la salida del sol en el solsticio de invierno, dicha
    Belmonte, J. A. et al.

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  • The River and the Sky: Astronomy and Topography in Caral Society, America's First Urban Centers
    America's first urban centers may have been located in the Supe Valley, Peru. After investigating the location and the orientation of the main built structures, we show that it is not only the presence of the Supe River that determines their orientation but also that astronomical relationships within the orientation of the buildings dictate their
    González-García, A. César et al.

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