
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • CHEOPS precision phase curve of the Super-Earth 55 Cancri e
    Context. 55 Cnc e is a transiting super-Earth (radius 1.88 R ⊕ and mass 8 M ⊕) orbiting a G8V host star on a 17-h orbit. Spitzer observations of the planet's phase curve at 4.5 μm revealed a time-varying occultation depth, and MOST optical observations are consistent with a time-varying phase curve amplitude and phase offset of maximum light. Both
    Morris, B. M. et al.

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  • Earth's Albedo 1998-2017 as Measured From Earthshine
    The reflectance of the Earth is a fundamental climate parameter that we measured from Big Bear Solar Observatory between 1998 and 2017 by observing the earthshine using modern photometric techniques to precisely determine daily, monthly, seasonal, yearly and decadal changes in terrestrial albedo from earthshine. We find the inter-annual
    Goode, P. R. et al.

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  • Euclid: Estimation of the Impact of Correlated Readout Noise for Flux Measurements with the Euclid NISP Instrument
    The Euclid satellite, to be launched by ESA in 2022, will be a major instrument for cosmology for the next decades. Euclid is composed of two instruments: the Visible instrument and the Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP). In this work, we estimate the implications of correlated readout noise in the NISP detectors for the final in
    Jiménez Muñoz, A. et al.

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  • Gaia Early Data Release 3. Updated radial velocities from Gaia DR2
    Context. Gaia's Early Third Data Release (EDR3) does not contain new radial velocities because these will be published in Gaia's full third data release (DR3), expected in the first half of 2022. To maximise the usefulness of EDR3, Gaia's second data release (DR2) sources (with radial velocities) are matched to EDR3 sources to allow their DR2
    Seabroke, G. M. et al.

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  • The MURALES survey. IV. Searching for nuclear outflows in 3C radio galaxies at z < 0.3 with MUSE observations
    We analyze VLT/MUSE observations of 37 radio galaxies from the Third Cambridge catalogue (3C) with redshift < 0.3 searching for nuclear outflows of ionized gas. These observations are part of the MURALES project (a MUse RAdio Loud Emission line Snapshot survey), whose main goal is to explore the feedback process in the most powerful radio-loud AGN
    Speranza, G. et al.

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  • DRAGO camera
    DRAGO: Un pequeño instrumento, un gran camino
    El pasado 24 de enero tuvo lugar la puesta en órbita de DRAGO ( Demonstrator for Remote Analysis of Ground Observations), el primer instrumento desarrollado por IACTEC-Espacio. Semanas después llegaban sus primeras imágenes infrarrojas de la Tierra, con una calidad a la altura de las expectativas más optimistas. DRAGO es el resultado de cuatro años
    A. Oscoz et al.

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