
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The Fermi-GBM X-ray burst monitor
    We discuss the first results of the Fermi-GBM all-sky search for X-ray bursts. The very large field of view and X-ray response of the Fermi-GBM make it a unique instrument to study rare, bright and short-lived X-ray bursts. We are performing a systematic search that exploits such capabilities. We present results on long/intermediate type I X-ray
    Linares, M. et al.

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  • The First APOKASC Catalog of Kepler Dwarf and Subgiant Stars
    We present the first APOKASC catalog of spectroscopic and asteroseismic data for dwarfs and subgiants. Asteroseismic data for our sample of 415 objects have been obtained by the Kepler mission in short (58.5 s) cadence, and light curves span from 30 up to more than 1000 days. The spectroscopic parameters are based on spectra taken as part of the
    Serenelli, A. et al.

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  • The First Extrasolar Planet Discovered with A New Generation High Throughput Doppler Instrument
    We report the first extrasolar planet, ET1, detected with a new generation Doppler instrument, called Exoplanet Tracker. This planet has a minimum mass of 0.41 Jupiter masses and orbits a V = 8.1 K0V star with a 4.8 day period. The planet was identified using the KPNO Coude Feed 0.9 meter telescope in spring 2005. This is the first time an
    Ge, J. et al.

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  • The first planet detected in the WTS: an inflated hot Jupiter in a 3.35 d orbit around a late F star
    We report the discovery of WTS-1b, the first extrasolar planet found by the WFCAM Transit Survey, which began observations at the 3.8-m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) in 2007 August. Light curves comprising almost 1200 epochs with a photometric precision of better than 1 per cent to J ˜ 16 were constructed for ˜60 000 stars and searched
    Zendejas, J. et al.

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  • The Formation and Disintegration of Magnetic Bright Points Observed by Sunrise/IMaX
    The evolution of the physical parameters of magnetic bright points (MBPs) located in the quiet Sun (mainly in the interwork) during their lifetime is studied. First, we concentrate on the detailed description of the magnetic field evolution of three MBPs. This reveals that individual features follow different, generally complex, and rather dynamic
    Utz, D. et al.

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  • The formation of galactic bulges
    We summarise some recent results about nearby galactic bulges, relevant to their formation. We highlight a number of significant advances in our understanding of the surface brightness profiles, stellar populations, and especially the very centers of spirals. We also view our own Milky Way as if it were an external galaxy. Our main conclusions are
    Peletier, Reynier et al.

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