
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Modeling the dynamical and photometric behavior of faint meteors in the Earth's atmosphere
    Faint meteors observed with Super-Schmidt cameras are re-examined in order to assess whether their dynamical and photometric behavior can be described by means of the single body theory. Velocities, decelerations and magnitudes are fitted simultaneously to synthetic curves resulting from integration of the appropriate set of differential equations
    Bellot Rubio, Luis R. et al.

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  • Modeling the ionizing spectra of H II regions: individual stars versus stellar ensembles
    Aims: We study how IMF sampling affects the ionizing flux and emission line spectra of low mass stellar clusters. Methods: We performed 2 × 106 Monte Carlo simulations of zero-age solar-metallicity stellar clusters covering the 20-106 M&sun; mass range. We study the distribution of cluster stellar masses, Mclus, ionizing fluxes, Q(H0), and
    Villaverde, M. et al.

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