
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • A Planetary Nebula around Nova V458 Vulpeculae Undergoing Flash Ionization
    Nova V458 Vul erupted on 2007 August 8 and reached a visual magnitude of 8.1 a few days later. Hα images obtained 6 weeks before the outburst as part of the IPHAS Galactic plane survey reveal an 18th magnitude progenitor surrounded by an extended nebula. Subsequent images and spectroscopy of the nebula reveal an inner nebular knot increasing
    Wesson, R. et al.

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  • A Planetary-Mass Companion to the K0 Giant HD 17092
    We report the discovery of a substellar-mass companion to the K0 giant HD 17092 with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. In the absence of any correlation of the observed 360 day periodicity with the standard indicators of stellar activity, the observed radial velocity variations are most plausibly explained in terms of a Keplerian motion of a planetary
    Niedzielski, A. et al.

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  • A Precessing Collimated Outflow in the Quadrupolar Planetary Nebula NGC 6881
    We present high-quality (subarcsecond) optical narrowband CCD images of the planetary nebula NGC 6881, which reveal a highly collimated bipolar structure. A careful examination of the [N II] image and of the [N II]/[O III] and [N II]/Hα ratio images shows that NGC 6881 is a quadrupolar planetary nebula, that is, a twice bipolar planetary nebula
    Guerrero, M. A. et al.

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  • A Precise Asteroseismic Age and Radius for the Evolved Sun-like Star KIC 11026764
    The primary science goal of the Kepler Mission is to provide a census of exoplanets in the solar neighborhood, including the identification and characterization of habitable Earth-like planets. The asteroseismic capabilities of the mission are being used to determine precise radii and ages for the target stars from their solar-like oscillations
    Metcalfe, T. S. et al.

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  • A Pulsational Distance to ω Centauri Based on Near-Infrared Period-Luminosity Relations of RR Lyrae Stars
    We present new near-infrared (J and K) magnitudes for 114 RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster ω Centauri (NGC 5139), which we combine with data from the literature to construct a sample of 180 RR Lyrae stars with J and K mean magnitudes on a common photometric system. This is currently the largest such sample in any stellar system. We also
    Del Principe, M. et al.

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  • A pulse-timing model for pulsars in massive eclipsing binaries. Delays caused by high ratios between the pulsar period and orbital length.
    We study the delay induced by gravitational light bending in the arrival times of signals emitted by an anisotropic source in rotation (pulsar). The shift of the direction of the allowed pulsar beam (a vector defined by the null geodesic connecting the pulsar to the observer) with orbital phase induces a delay arising from the movement of the
    Goicoechea, L. J. et al.

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