
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Milky Way Satellite Census. IV. Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from Observations of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
    We use a recent census of the Milky Way (MW) satellite galaxy population to constrain the lifetime of particle dark matter (DM). We consider two-body decaying dark matter (DDM) in which a heavy DM particle decays with lifetime τ comparable to the age of the universe to a lighter DM particle (with mass splitting ϵ) and to a dark radiation species
    Mau, S. et al.

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  • Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar VER J0521+211 during an Elevated TeV Gamma-Ray State
    We report on a long-lasting, elevated gamma-ray flux state from VER J0521+211 observed by VERITAS, MAGIC, and Fermi-LAT in 2013 and 2014. The peak integral flux above 200 GeV measured with the nightly binned light curve is (8.8 ± 0.4) × 10 -7 photons m -2 s -1, or ~37% of the Crab Nebula flux. Multiwavelength observations from X-ray, UV, and
    Adams, C. B. et al.

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  • Revised chemistry of HD209458 b
    We characterize the atmosphere of the iconic giant planet HD209458 b based on a joint modeling effort of the available observations. HD 209458 b is the first planet with a reported detection of a chemical species in its atmosphere, namely Na I, and also the one with the largest number of reported species (H I, O I, C II, Mg I, Fe II, Ca I, Sc I
    Morello, Giuseppe et al.

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  • Tentative detection of atmospheric evaporation in GJ1214b
    During the early stages of planetary formation, planets suffer severe changes in their physical and orbital properties due to internal and external forces, which also affect their primary atmospheres. The study of planets at these early stages and its comparison with the already mature planet population is crucial for a better comprehension of
    Orell-Miquel, Jaume et al.

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  • The CARMENES TESS followup program: uncovering the most promising rocky worlds for JWST characterization
    CARMENES is an echelle spectrograph with two arms, one in the visible and one in the infrared, mounted on the 3.5 m telescope in Calar Alto Observatory, Spain. Since 2016, the CARMENES guaranteed observing time program has conducted a radial-velocity survey of 365 M dwarfs in search for planetary companions. However, over the past three years
    Palle, Enric et al.

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  • TOI-1268b: The youngest hot Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet
    We report the discovery of TOI-1268b, a transiting Saturn-mass planet from the TESS space mission. With an age of less than 1 Gyr, derived from various age indicators, TOI-1268b is the youngest Saturn-mass planet known to date; it contributes to the small sample of well-characterised young planets. It has an orbital period of P = 8.1577080 ± 0
    Šubjak, J. et al.

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