
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • An Infrared Diffuse Circumstellar Band? The Unusual 1.5272 Micron DIB In the Red Square Nebula
    The molecular carriers of the ubiquitous absorption features called the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) have eluded identification for many decades, in part because of the enormous parameter space spanned by the candidates and the limited set of empirical constraints afforded by observations in the diffuse interstellar medium. Detection of these
    Zasowski, G. et al.

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  • An L-Type Substellar Object in Orion: Reaching the Mass Boundary between Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets
    We present near-infrared photometry (J band) and low-resolution optical spectroscopy (600-1000 nm) for one of the faintest substellar member candidates in the young σ Orionis cluster, S Ori 47 (I=20.53; Béjar, Zapatero Osorio, & Rebolo). Its very red (I-J) = 3.3+/-0.1 color and its optical spectrum allow us to classify S Ori 47 as an L1.5-type
    Zapatero Osorio, M. R. et al.

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  • An Observer's Guide to Build a Control Sample for Galaxy Pairs
    We propose a method to build a suitable control sample (CS) in order to isolate the effect of galaxy interactions by using mock galaxy catalogues. This analysis shows that several bias effects in the selection of the CS have to be overcome for a reliable comparison.
    Perez, J. et al.

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  • An Overview of the MOS Capabilities of the 4-10 m Telescopes at La Palma Observatory for Investigating Galaxy Clusters
    La Palma Observatory offers four multi-object spectrographs installed on 4 and 10 m class telescopes. We present an overview of these four instruments. As a scientific case for two of them, we present the optical follow-up of Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) sources undertaken by the Planck collaboration, focused on the detection, redshifts determination and
    Barrena, R. et al.

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  • An upper limit to the abundance of Be-9 in the Population II star HD 76932 from a high resolution spectrum with IUE
    A high resolution spectrum (Δλ = 0.2 Å) of the Population II star HD 76932 from the archive of the IUE satellite has been analysed in a search for measurable resonance absorption lines due to 9Be. Matching the observations by a synthesized model of the wavelength region around the doublet at 3130 Å gives a conservative upper limit for the abundance
    Molaro, P. et al.

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  • An X-ray survey of extragalactic radio jets with Chandra
    We are performing a survey of a sample of 17 radio jets with Chandra and HST, with the aim of finding their X-ray and optical counterparts. In this paper, we present the preliminary Chandra results for the first six sources observed and analyzed so far. In four of them an X-ray jet is clearly detected. We compare the X-ray morphologies to the radio
    Sambruna, Rita M. et al.

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