
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • On the accretion of a new group of galaxies on to Virgo - II. The effect of pre-processing on the stellar population content of dEs
    Using MUSE spectra, we investigate how pre-processing and accretion on to a galaxy cluster affect the integrated stellar population properties of dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs). We analyse a sample of nine dEs with stellar masses of $\rm \sim 10^9 \, M_\odot$, which were accreted (~ 2-3 Gyr ago) on to the Virgo cluster as members of a massive
    Bidaran, Bahar et al.

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  • The GAPS Programme at TNG XXXIX. Multiple Molecular Species in the Atmosphere of the Warm Giant Planet WASP-80 b Unveiled at High Resolution with GIANO-B
    Detections of molecules in the atmosphere of gas giant exoplanets allow us to investigate the physico-chemical properties of the atmospheres. Their inferred chemical composition is used as tracer of planet formation and evolution mechanisms. Currently, an increasing number of detections is showing a possible rich chemistry of the hotter gaseous
    Carleo, Ilaria et al.

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  • The relation between optical and γ-ray emission in BL Lac sources
    The relativistic jets produced by some Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are among the most efficient persistent sources of non-thermal radiation and represent an ideal laboratory for studying high-energy interactions. In particular, when the relativistic jet propagates along the observer's line of sight, the beaming effect produces dominant signatures
    La Mura, G. et al.

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  • Exploring the Universe via the Wide, Deep Near-infrared Imaging ESO Public Survey SHARKS
    The ESO Public Survey Southern H-ATLAS Regions Ks-band Survey (SHARKS) comprises 300 square degrees of deep imaging at 2.2 microns (the Ks band) with the VISTA InfraRed CAMera (VIRCAM) at the 4-metre Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). The first data release of the survey, comprising 5% of the data, was published via the
    Dannerbauer, H. et al.

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