
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The structure of the interstellar gas towards stars in the globular cluster NGC 6541
    Observations are presented of high resolution interstellar Na I D and K I (lambda 7699 Angstroms) line profiles towards 7 stars in the globular cluster NGC 6541 and 3 field stars within 3° of the cluster. It is seen that the gas in this general direction (l, b ~ 350°, -11°) shows a complex structure, having the greatest number of components yet
    Kennedy, D. C. et al.

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  • The structure of the Sun. Sixth Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
    In this timely volume, the editors present eight specially-written chapters by experts renowned for their teaching skills. The chapters show how astronomers can deduce the internal composition (density, helium abundance, etc.) and dynamical structure (rotation, sub-surface velocity fields, etc.) of the Sun through helioseismology, and how
    Roca Cortés, T. et al.

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  • The Substellar Mass Function in σ Orionis
    We combine results from imaging searches for substellar objects in the σ Orionis cluster and follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations to derive a census of the brown dwarf population in a region of 847 arcmin2. We identify 64 very low mass cluster member candidates in this region. We have available three-color (I, Z, and J) photometry
    Béjar, V. J. S. et al.

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  • The substellar mass function in σ Orionis. II. Optical, near-infrared and IRAC/Spitzer photometry of young cluster brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects
    Aims:We investigate the mass function in the substellar domain down to a few Jupiter masses in the young σ Orionis open cluster (3±2 Ma, d = 360^+70_-60 pc). Methods: We have performed a deep IJ-band search, covering an area of 790 arcmin2 close to the cluster centre. This survey was complemented with an infrared follow-up in the HK_s- and Spitzer
    Caballero, J. A. et al.

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  • The Substellar Population in the Young σ Orionis Cluster, Spatial Distribution
    We review different surveys, in the optical and infrared, conducted in the very young (age 1 8 Myr), nearby (d ˜ 350 pc) σ Orionis cluster aimed to characterize the substellar population. We describe spectral characteristics of very low mass stars, brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects in the cluster with spectral types from K7 to T6. We study
    Béjar, V. J. S. et al.

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  • The Sun at high resolution: first results from the Sunrise mission
    The Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory consists of a 1m aperture Gregory telescope, a UV filter imager, an imaging vector polarimeter, an image stabilization system and further infrastructure. The first science flight of Sunrise yielded high-quality data that reveal the structure, dynamics and evolution of solar convection, oscillations and
    Solanki, S. K. et al.

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