
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The role of the SW Sextantis stars in the picture of CV evolution
    The SW Sextantis stars are nova-like cataclysmic variables (CVs) which exhibit intricate behaviour which is still a matter of debate. For years the common belief has been that these systems were the "outlaws" of the CVs, mainly because of the lack of an overall understanding. We are now realizing that a large percentage (˜ 30%) of all nova-likes in
    Rodríguez-Gil, P.

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  • The SAURON project - IX. A kinematic classification for early-type galaxies
    Two-dimensional stellar kinematics of 48 representative elliptical (E) and lenticular (S0) galaxies obtained with the SAURON integral-field spectrograph reveal that early-type galaxies appear in two broad flavours, depending on whether they exhibit clear large-scale rotation or not. We define a new parameter , which involves luminosity-weighted
    Emsellem, Eric et al.

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  • The SAURON project - X. The orbital anisotropy of elliptical and lenticular galaxies: revisiting the (V/σ, ɛ) diagram with integral-field stellar kinematics
    We analyse the orbital distribution of elliptical (E) and lenticular (S0) galaxies using SAURON integral-field stellar kinematics within about one effective (half-light) radius. We construct the anisotropy diagram, which relates the ratio of the ordered and random motion in a galaxy (V/σ) to its observed ellipticity (ɛ), for the 48 E/S0 galaxies
    Cappellari, Michele et al.

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  • The SAURON project - XI. Stellar populations from absorption-line strength maps of 24 early-type spirals
    We present absorption-line strength maps of a sample of 24 representative early-type spiral galaxies, mostly of type Sa, obtained as part of the SAURON (Spectrographic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae) survey of nearby galaxies using our custom-built integral-field spectrograph. Using high-quality spectra, spatially binned to a constant
    Peletier, Reynier F. et al.

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  • The Scattering Polarization of the Lyα Lines of H I and He II Taking into Account Partial Frequency Redistribution and J-state Interference Effects
    Recent theoretical investigations have pointed out that the cores of the Lyα lines of H I and He II should show measurable scattering polarization signals when observing the solar disk, and that the magnetic sensitivity, through the Hanle effect, of such linear polarization signals is suitable for exploring the magnetism of the solar transition
    Belluzzi, L. et al.

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  • The Scattering Polarization of the Sr I λ4607 Line at the Diffraction Limit Resolution of a 1 m Telescope
    One of the greatest challenges in solar and stellar physics in the coming years will be to observe the second solar spectrum with a spatial resolution significantly better than 1". This type of scattering polarization observation would probably allow us to discover hitherto unknown aspects of the Sun's hidden magnetism. Here we report on some
    Trujillo Bueno, Javier et al.

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