
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Variability and evolution of the optical polarization of a sample of gamma-ray blazars
    We present a polarization variability analysis of a sample of 26 γ-ray blazars monitored by the Steward Observatory between 2008 and 2018 in the optical band. We investigate the properties and long-term variability of their optical polarization, searching for differences between blazar types. We observe that BL Lac objects are typically less
    Otero-Santos, J. et al.

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  • Break type and interactions from ultra-deep optical imaging of isolated galaxies
    In the standard cosmological model of galaxy evolution, mergers and interactions play a fundamental role in shaping galaxies. Galaxies that are currently isolated are thus interesting, allowing us to identify how internal or external processes impact galactic structure. However, current observational limits may be obscuring crucial information in
    Sánchez-Alarcón, P. M. et al.

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  • Characterizing star formation in the innermost kiloparsec of the galaxy NGC 1386
    We characterize the star formation going on in the inner kiloparsec region of the galaxy NGC 1386 as derived from the analysis of a multiwavelength dataset covering the optical, near-IR and mid-IR at subarsec resolution. We detect 61 point sources, distributed in a ring of 960 pc radius around the center of the galaxy. From SED fitting we conclude
    Bruzual, Gustavo et al.

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  • From evolved stars to the formation and evolution of galaxies
    Due to observational constraints, our detailed knowledge of stellar populations, formation, and evolution of galaxies is limited to a few dozen galaxies located in the Local Group. The Local Group of galaxies offers a unique opportunity to construct the formation histories and probe the structure and dynamics of many dwarf galaxies surrounding the
    Mahani, Hamidreza et al.

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  • Star formation history for the starburst dwarf galaxy in the Local Group, IC 10
    IC 10 as a starburst dwarf galaxy in the Local Group (LG) has a large population of newly formed stars that are massive and intrinsically very bright in comparison with other LG galaxies. Using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) with the Wide Field Camera (WFC) in the i-band and V-band, we performed an optical monitoring survey to identify the most
    Gholami, Mahtab et al.

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  • Star Formation History of Two Fields in the Halo of NGC 5128
    NGC 5128 galaxy is a giant elliptical galaxy located in the Centaurus group of galaxies at 3.8 Mpc. We aim to study the star formation history (SFH) of two different fields of the galaxy. The northeastern field (Field 1) is located at a distance of 18.8 kpc, while the southern field (Field 2) is at 9.9 kpc. We use a photometric method that is based
    Aghdam, Sima T. et al.

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